Holy Well at Cranleigh House

And A Healing Well

Eric Tapsell was an unusual figure. A prominent member in the early days of the Society, he lived, as something of a mystic, in the Lake District, in the shadow of Old Man. We cannot say whether his thoughts on Mary King’s house in Combe Martin are true, but they are certainly fascinating.

Mrs King’s house: On the oldest site in Combe Martin, which was an ancient tin and silver mining port, trading with the Mediterranean civilisations of Rome and Phoenicia. The original foundations exist beneath the house. It was the weigh-house for silver shipments from mines under Holdstone Down. Here used to come a rich merchant, Joseph of Arimathia, bringing with him his nephew, a delicate boy named Jesus, between the ages of seven and fourteen. Mrs King found water flooding in the lower premises, the Water Board knew of no pipes there, or any other source, but it was found that a deep well existed beneath the house 20 feet down and the water from this unsuspected source had broken its way out. Mrs King then remembered a mysterious saying by Mars Sector 8 whom she had a short time previously met in the house; he had said something about ‘when the well shall be unsealed’. The water has now been channelled and tapped and has healing properties rivalling those of Lourdes. She was warned ‘not to disturb the Chalice in the well’. Investigators proved that a metal object was in the well. So I should like to implore some of you, to take the inner meaning if this story to heart. Deep down below this house is the wondrous well of healing love blessed by a sacred cup for which King Arthur and all his knights were seeking. Do not be put off by the modern features we may not like, but please go to the well of healing love that is below the surface. For you who are in doubt, I pray with all my love and beg you not to hesitate; let us, if you will, share this experience together, in the love that casts out fear. I have no idea how this article came to reside on my computer, though it probably had an earth-bound origin, as opposed to coming down from the higher planes. Suffice it to say that I have no recollection of reading it before- rather surprising, given its remarkable content Whether or not you accept what Eric Tapsell says, his words certainly carry a flavour of the early days of The Aetherius Society- Editor.

Aetherius Society Newsletter Volume 13 Issue 2 Autumn 2004

“I am the Rock”

Lecture by Dr George King

Extract: My mother happens to own the house where Joseph of Arimathea came, (not the same house but onto that particular site) when he came over to England with Jesus - as a boy. And he traded silver there because they were the largest silver mines in the vicinity; and she has a document which doesn’t actually say this, but gives the antiquity of this particular house and so on. These things will be revealed at the right time – but not quite yet.

Cranleigh House, High Street, Combe Martin, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 0EP Tel: 01271889325                    Mob: 07985928461