"Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul."- Mahatma Gandhi

Professor Emoto in his studies of water crystals has found conclusively that prayer works:
His proved theory after photographing countless water crystals is that 'Water shows different shapes of ice crystals depending on the information it has received' :
Good information, Good words = Beautiful Crystals.
He accompanied Chief Priest Houki Kati from a Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Temple to Fujiwara Dam in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. He had been conducting incantations and prayers there on different occasions, after his prayers the colour of the water changed rapidly.
'No matter how often we tried, no crystal was formed from the sample of water before the prayers. On the other hand, the water after the prayers formed a crystal of heavenly beauty.'
'The True Power of Water Healing and Discovering Ourselves' by Professor Masaru Emoto
As we recognize that the "empirical evidence for prayer's power is indirect evidence for the soul," Dossey believes we will find ourselves praying more prayers of gratitude and fewer prayers of supplication. This, asserts Dossey, is "the proper response on realizing that the world, at heart, is more glorious, benevolent, and friendlier than we have recently supposed."
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine (1993) by Larry Dossey
Free Download - 8 Reasons to pray Mark Bennett 9.15
Praying on Holdstone Down

Since January 2008 Stewart and I have found that when we pray for world peace on Holdstone Down that the weather changes. We can go up on the rainiest, cloudiest of days and if we pray with really focused intention the weather starts to clear, a small patch of blue opens up above us or the sun peeps through the clouds. It's happened so many times that we know that it is the effect of the positive energy that is flowing through us. This is a very empowering and enjoyable experience, that we can make a difference. The most dramatic example of this was at a big gathering on Holdstone Down in the late 1990's; it was pouring with rain when everyone arrived, the sky was dark grey. When these 150 people started to chant Tibetan Mantra, out loud, and a prayer team started to invoke energy by sending out prayers of praise and gratitude a small circle of blue sky opened up overhead and it became bigger and bigger until the whole sky cleared completely and the sun came out.
You can join us at the top of Holdstone Down on Sundays to send out prayer energy, call first to check we are here. Do wear mountain boots and bring all weather gear, it can get blustery up on top. Tel 01271889325 or m 07985928461 for more information.
Many researchers have proved conclusively that prayer works in a positive way but it has got rather a bad press through being associated with orthodox religious practices and also being used in a negative fashion. We can spend lots of time convincing you that prayer is a good thing, all the evidence is 'out there' but what makes the difference is a feeling of inner connection to all life around us and wishing to extend our love, prayer is an extension of our love to our world. Starting to pray is like using a new muscle it can feel strange a first, it can even give you a bit of pain as you get used to it but, once you get going and make it part of your life, you don't want to stop. Saint Teresa said that she wasn't a natural at praying at all but eventually her friends had to catch hold of her skirts to pull her down to the ground as she reached such ecstatic states that she was levitating. It could take a while to reach this stage but, then you never know what amazing hidden abilities you may have.
"Prayer is an attitude of the heart." - Larry Dossey
We hold weekly pilgrimages to Holdstone Down, our local power centre, on
Sunday mornings, to send out energy for world peace and healing, everyone is
welcome, please give us a call if you would like to join us. Karma Yoga is the yoga of service, in this
case, to humanity.
Big Pilgrimage for World Peace on Holdstone Down every year on the 23rd July
or usually the first Saturday after this date.
Pilgrimage for world peace & healing to Brown Willy on 23rd November yearly - Call us for details
Cranleigh House, High Street, Combe Martin, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 0EP Tel: 01271889325 M: 07985928461