Healer/Reiki practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher, Indian Head Massage
I started my spiritual journey over many years ago, learning Transcendental
Meditation and I have been practising since then. Inbetween times I have raised
a family and worked as an aircraft engineer, all the while continuing my
spiritual quest to explore the frontiers of metaphysics and avenues to improve
my health and other peoples . I am an active student of Yoga, a healer and a trained Kundalini Yoga teacher.
is our environmental magician. He keeps things working and finds
practical solutions for everyday problems like broken taps or window
frames, he has an enormous tool cupboard and he has a tool for
He is the chief gardener and vegetable grower,
clearing, planting and creating. He is the energy behind Mother
Earth's Minerals, supplying quality basalt rock dust to organic farmers
and gardeners to grow strong mineralised crops, plants and flowers that
are pest and drought resistant.
His interests include finding drift wood on the beach, chopping it up to
keep the log pile high and lighting the wood burner on winter evenings to
enjoy. He has also taken up surfing, climbing local hills and spending time
with his grand daughters and he keeps our
guests & course participants informed on a range of subjects from natural cures
for many ailments to growing well mineralised vegetables.
Cranleigh House Healing Testimonials:
"I felt good after my healing. It was a really lovely break for us & especially coming to Cranleigh House, which was so interesting. We thank you for all your willing help with things as diverse as cholesterol, crabbing and the Master's of Healing!"
"Thank you for all your kindness and advice ... Thank you so much for talking to me today-that in itself was a tonic. I read about ignatia in my book and it fits my symptoms to a T. I am looking forward to taking it. It will be a good one to keep in the cupboard for when my next wave of 'frustrated housewife' hits me, Thank you for helping me out again...." -AS, Essex
"Such a good talk with you...I'm so glad I called ... All the positive affirmations REALLY made a big difference to working and my attitude was strong and positive. It was great-Thank you so much" - MF, London